Those are the two questions I always hear during my seminars. []
People are in search of truth and they also have many questions. We have to discuss about every aspect of Hinduism as well as other religions to get a very clear picture.
Some feel it is not good discuss about Islam or Christianity or Judaism or Taoism when we discuss about Hinduism. My answer is THAT IS WRONG. We are in search of truth and as such we should discuss everything. Hinduism has NOTHING TO FEAR EXCEPT FEAR ITSELF.
Nobody can monopolize truth. The one and most important aspect of Hinduism is its CAPABILITY TO ABSORB TRUTH FROM EVERY QUARTERS.
It is the true culture of Indians in India. Many call it A WAY OF LIFE. It is not an organized religion like Christianity or Islam. It has no founder. It has no Pope. It has no hierarchy. Just a lot of scriptures.
In Hindu scriptures, you are actually studying about the HISTORY AND CULTURE OF INDIA, like in 66 books of the Holy Bible you are actually studying about the CULTURE AND HISTORY OF JEWS.
HINDUISM AND JUDAISM are mothers of all modern religions in the world.
BUDDHISM, SIKHISM , to some extent JAINISM & ZOROASTRIANISM came from Hinduism. Of course, Jainism existed during Rig Vedic Period. Statues of Rishabha, the first Thirthankara and founder of Jainism was found in the Mohenjadaro, Harappa excavations.
ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY came Judaism. ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY came from Judaism. Judaism, Islam and Christianity have ABRAHAM as the common father figure. All three have many common prophets. There is even mention about Jesus Christ many times in the Holy Koran.
Coming back to Hinduism, C.S. Lewis, the great author and theologist wrote, finally it will come to two religions. Hinduism and Christianity. The first will grow absorbing ideas and concepts from every where and later will keep away from everything that is foreign to it. What C.S. Lewis wrote is very true.
Anyone who search after truth is a Hindu. Rishis searched and found the TRUTH which they gave to the world in SRUTI [that which is heard] as well as in SMRITI [ that which is remembered ] formats.
They allowed FREE FLOW OF THOUGHTS and that is the reason why Hinduism is a SYMBOL OF TOLERANCE.
There is ONE AND ONLY GOD and ONE TRUTH. The very first book of Hindus named RIG-VEDA proclaim," EKAM SAT, VIPRAH BAHUDHA VADANTI" ( There is only one truth, only men describe it in different ways).
So a Jew or a Christian or a Moslem who is in search after truth is automatically a Hindu. . There are about 800 million Hindus in the world. There are more than 800,000 Hindus in the U.S., and about 160,000 in Canada.
The concepts of UTMOST FREEDOM OF THOUGHTS And ACTIONS. That what attracts many to Hinduism. Hinduism never forbids any one to question its fundamentals.
On one side, in Hinduism, you may come across people worshiping pests like rats, and still on other side you will come across concepts parallel to Quantum Physics and Neil's Bohr Theory of nuclear structure and reactions.
On another side ADVAIDA [There is ONLY one ] philosophy is discussed and promoted, still on other side DWAITA [ two--duality] philosophy is discussed and promoted.
Hinduism never ever banished any one, since he or she wrote a wrong scripture or did not observe a particular ritual.
No author in Hinduism met the fate of SALMAN RUSHDIE [author of Satanic Verses] in Hinduism. Nobody was persecuted since he or she wrote condeming Vedas or Upanishads.
Mahathma Gandhi wrote, even atheists can call themselves as Hindus. That is very true.
In fact the CHARVAKA philosophy or NASTIKA philosophy, [existed during the Vedic period] founded by CHARVAKA rejected the existence of God and considered religion as an aberration.
Voltaire in Essay on Tolerance wrote: " I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it." . Hinduism is the symbol of what Voltaire wrote.
True Hinduism is one of the most indepth and philosipical religions around. But in this time and age is it neccessary to go it to such depth.
While exploring most of the major religions I discovered that Christianity provides a very simple understand of who is God while Hinduism goes so deep that in one of the levels even contradictions of certain statements can be both considered right.
For the 21st Century is there a form of Hinduism which can help us to live and excel in our practical daily life....
Namasthe Eliya.....It is very kind of you to write. Your statement :"While exploring most of the major religions I discovered that Christianity provides a very simple understand of who is God while Hinduism goes so deep that in one of the levels even contradictions of certain statements can be both considered right." is thought provoking.
With all due respect to Christians and Christianity, I have to discuss this matter in detail...People often ask me during seminars, []
Why Christianity seems so simple to understand and follow and Why Hinduism is some what complicated?
Answer: Hinduism allowed and still allows FREE FLOW OF THOUGHTS, where as Christianity restricted and still restrict FREE FLOW OF THOUGHTS. No Hindu was ever persecuted or killed since he or she wrote condemning Vedas or Epics. Example CHARVAKA.. Charvaka wrote: "Vedas were written by buffoons"...
No Hindu was killed since he did not acknowledge of authority of Vedas. Example LORD BUDDHA. If Buddha was born as a Christian, he would have mercilessly killed.
I salute millions of Christian missionaries who take care of the "poor & sick" of this world. I have only good things to say about the teachings of the Jesus Christ. He is indeed an avatar.
STILL, If you study the history of Christianity, you will note that many were killed when church did not approve their theory or philosophy they wrote...
Example: Bishop Arius of Alexandria (256-336 AD)
Bishop Arius of Alexandria (256-336 AD) preached " Christ is not a pro-creator, but a created being". During the very first general council of Christianity at Nicea [325 AD] he protested for making Jesus Christ 2nd person of the Trinity... What happened to Bishop Arius....Defining the heresy named after him, his books were burnt and he was killed. By the way you can read about it in detail under title "Arianism".
If you study the history of Christianity, you will note that many were killed when church did not approve the book they wrote...
Example: William Tyndale [1494-1536]
William Tyndale wrote the FIRST TRANSLATION OF HOLY BIBLE INTO ENGLISH. Church did not approve his version of the Bible. He was tried for heresy and treason in a ridiculously unfair trial, and convicted. Tyndale was then strangled and burnt at the stake in the prison yard, Oct. 6, 1536. His last words were, "Lord, open the king of England's eyes."
FREEDOM OF THOUGHTS...Freedom to express one's views any where in the world.
All religions are the result of the works of thousands of thinkers. Hinduism and Judaism are cultures and they are the mothers of all religions. New religions like Christianity and Islam took the best aspects of Judaism and made part of them. So too Buddhism and Jainism took the best aspects of Hinduism and made part of them.
In Christianity, there were several housecleaning in its 2000 years of history. Hinduism on its part, NEVER had any HOUSE CLEANING in its history.
Since Hinduism never tossed anything away, in it you will see in it primitive religion as well as very advanced thoughts. Once again, nobody was ever excommunicated from Hinduism.
Not even one Hindu met with premature death, since he wrote a wrong scripture or propagated a wrong philosophy.
Thanxs for replying ..That has really improved my understanding.
My personnal interest within Hinduism
What within Hinduism teaches us how to live and excel in our practical daily life....(Spirituality and Practicality)
Sharp Intellect
From my limited knowledge what I understand is that a Sharp intellect would go a long way for instance like when studyin for an exam you just have to attend lectures and write the exam and it will be all right because your interlect is so sharp...
In order to get a sharp intellect on has to do meditation and to be confident in all of one's undertakings.
From my limited might not be all right knowledge another thing I became to understand is that the body in its daily usage gets exposed to impurities.
Stress is another thing that gets developed in our body and the accumulation of it could lead to detrimental effect like some life-paralysing diseases.
Yoga was suggested when practiced correctly could relieve all the stress and the breathing techniques employed could be used to get rid of impurities that come into contact with the body.
In the 21st century no one can say they do not want any money at all and say they want to be saint unless they live in the mountains. In most places you still have to pay for your vegetables and to take the bus home.
Within Hinduism it discourages the accumulation of wealth. Personnally if someone accumulates a large sum of wealth and he funds it to spiritual purposes. The amount of transformation that can happen all over the world would be incredible.
Hence this might sound a bit cheeky but does Hinduism actually say anything of how one can practically become rich. Surely there has to be something with a lot of Financial Gurus giving talks on various Get Rich Schemes..
Also,straying a bit from the sirituality and practicality how do some people manage to do some out-of-body experiences. They way I figured is that if one is able to correctly master the techniques than travel around the world would be so much cheaper..
Life is a learning experience,
Ed Viswanathan
There is no such thing that you cannot possess wea
I thank you for your questions. May God bless you.
You wrote : "What within Hinduism teaches us how to live and excel in our practical daily life..?"
By grace of God, I have done in depth research into every aspect of Hinduism and I found out
1.... Hinduism is the result of slowly developed thinking process in men.
2...... It is result of thinking of countless men and women
3... ....Every subject is debated in Hinduism.
4....... Hinduism never ever boast it has monopoly on truth or God.
5. ......It helps every one to have a STRESS FREE life.
6........ How it helps? It help you to mature spiritually at your own space.
7....... Hinduism does NOT believe in the Christian concept of ORIGINAL SIN.
8........ You are right, one develop SHARP INTELLECT by being a Hindu
9........ One become TOLERANT by being a Hindu.
10 .....There is no such thing that you cannot possess wealth in Hinduism.
The idea that possession wealth is NOT good for spiritual growth is a concept which came from Jainism and Buddhism..
Remember one of the greatest Hindu saint was KING JANAKA and he had all the wealth and he also had a harem... Nobody condemned King Janaka for having wealth. Instead sage Veda Vyasa asked his son sage Suka to accept King Janaka as his guru.
11....King Janaka taught this world, "You can possess things, but do not be possessed by them." meaning money is not the problem. Thought of money is the problem.
12. Many think that Hinduism teaches to run away from life....That is false.
If Hinduism teaches to run away from life there would have been a Mahabharata war. Krishna made Arjuna fight....Krishna did not ask Arjuna to leave battlefield and become a saint.
I hope more people can join us to analyse every aspect of Hinduism....I fully agree, Hinduism has the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY aspcts in it like all other cultures and religions....I do NOT support caste system.
CASTE SYSTEM HAS CREATED MULTITUDES OF PROBLEMS IN HINDU SOCIETY. It has destroyed the beautiful fabric of Hinduism. It created demons like "BRAHMINISM" and DEVADASI SYSTEM" .
Let me boldly state that, if I WAS BORN AS AN UNTOUCHABLE, I will have no LOVE AFFAIR with Hinduism and will put down Hinduism, when ever I get a chance and will become a Buddhist or a Christian.
Why should I stay in a religion or a culture or in a society, WHERE I AM TREATED AS A SECOND CLASS DEVOTEE??????
Caste system is creating a very big barrier for RE-CONVERSION OF HINDUS WHO LEFT HINDUISM FOR GENERATIONS back into Hindu fold. Many Christians have openly expressed their desire to convert to Hinduism in their e-mails to me....But Caste system is one of the things that make them difficult to convert to Hinduism.
Hi.. great to see a good disucssion goin on here... thought i would add my tuppence.. one question im frequently faced with by my christian freinds relates to issues of conflicting ideas in the different faiths.. how then they ask can hinduism say all faiths are the same? for eg - reincarnation vs heaven etc.. would appreciate views on this subject..
Thanks Harish Thamby for your question.. “ how then they ask can hinduism say all faiths are the same? for eg - reincarnation vs heaven etc.. would appreciate views on this subject..” Definitely I like to discuss everything at length. We have to discuss. We must discuss. I really wish some Christians will join us so that they can bring up some important points . I wish to discuss at length about GOD, TRINITY doctrine, I AM GOD Concept, I AM THE WAY concept, ORIGIANL SIN etc in Christianity… As I have pointed out, Hinduism has no problem answering any question. It does NOT have to hide behind any dogma or demagoguery or scriptural verse. As Hindus we can debate on any subject. Adi Sankara debated scriptures before he ascended to SARVATNYA PEEDAM in Benaras.. We can even openly challenge Vedas and Bhagavad Gita. Unluckily in Christianity or in Islam it t is not allowed to question Holy Bible or Koran … You know what happened to Martin Luther and countless others when they questioned papacy. ….
1……..To begin with, the Hindu statement ALL FAITHS ARE THE SAME means the FINAL GOAL OF ALL FAITHS ARE THE SAME. In Rig Veda it is written Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti: Truth is one; sages call it by various names It is also written “Sarve Api Sukhina Santu Sarve Santu Niramayah” Let everybody be happy, healthy, and blessed.
2-------If all the people around the globe study one Chemistry, one Physics, one Biology, one Mathematics etc, then how we can have MANY TRUTHS. Hindu truth and Christian truth cannot be different. There can be only ONE GOD, irrespective what name we call that God. Apart from that nobody can monopolize that God.
3-----When ever a Christian quote something, he or she quote a specific verse from the Holy Bible. They will NOT question that verse. They harp on it again and again. My argument is when ever we quote any verse from any scripture, we have to ask the following questions… 1. Who said or wrote that verse 2. Under what circumstance it was said 3. Why it was said 4. What was the tradition that time 5. What are the historical background behind that statement …This is applicable to all scriptures , Hindu, Christian, Islam alike. 4------I do not claim to be a scholar of Holy Bible. Still I have read a lot and find so many things in the Holy Bible need further discussion. If some say to me that IT IS MY BELIEF …., then I have to respect that belief. But if some say to me, that THIS IS THE TRUTH, then I wanted to discuss about that in detail. 5-----Even though there are 66 books of the Holy Bible, Christians do not quote Old Testament very much. Most of the time they quote, they quote St. Paul’s statements. Jesus Christ NEVER said anything about REINCARNATION. He just ignored that issue completely. Jesus Christ never said anything about HOMOSEXUALITY either.
6 Let us discuss TRINITY doctrine. I am writing these things strictly for educational purposes only.
There is no word TRINITY in the 66 books of the Holy Bible, even though the essence is there at one place in Matthew. There is one Verse in the Gospal of Mathew mentioning about the God the Father, God the Son, and The God the Holy Ghost.
Who started Trinity Doctrine? Roman Emperor Constantine. Why he did that? He did that to fuse the pagan Romans who worship many gods with early Christian church [Jews mainly] who worshiped ONE AND ONLY GOD.
A lot of thinking has gone into developing Trinity doctrine. By introducing Trinity in the Christian church, Roman emperor could please Romans who wanted to worship many gods as well as Christians [Jews mainly] who only wanted to worship ONE AND ONLY God.
It was during very first Council of Nicea[320 A.D], under Roman emperor Constantine, Trinity doctrine took birth.
7 --- I researched thru many books and see that the early Christian church theologians has indeed NO concept of TRINITY. Catholic Encyclopedia admits:
The Doctrine of Trinity is not taught in the Old Testament. The revelation of the Triune God was made in the New Testament.
In fact, the only place in the Gospels where three divine personalities of God is explicitly mentioned is in the St. Matthew's account of Christ's last command to the apostles,
Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of father, and the son, and of the Holy Spirit [MATTHEW 28:19]
8 ---If you look at SCHAFF‑HERZOG ENCYCLOPEDIA, TRINITY was not established until 363 A.D. It says that TRINITY is the result of three centuries of doctrinal development. The New Catholic Encyclopedia adds that devotion to Trinity had begun in monasteries at Aniane and Tours, in the 8th century.
9---- Jehovah Witness on their part is very critical of TRINITY. They have a booklet available by name SHOULD YOU BELIEVE IN TRINITY attacking the whole concept of Trinity. According to them FATHER ALONE IS GOD ‑ which is an impersonal force and CHRIST IS AN ANGEL CREATED BY GOD. Of course, there is an excellent book supporting the concept of TRINITY in the Christian bookstore.
10---Jehovah Witness . also believe that TRINITY is a pagan concept with close ties with Babylonian and eastern religions. Naturally fundamental circles of Christianity do not agree with that. they believe TRINITY DOCTRINE of Christianity has nothing to do with TRINITY of world religions.
11---- TRINITY is part and parcel of many religions such as Babylonian religions, Greek religions apart from Hinduism. In Hinduism Trinity appears as LORD BRAHMA, LORD VISHNU and LORD SIVA.
12----In Greek mythology, TRINITY appears as ZEUS, ATHENA, and APOLLO.
13---In Pagan religions of Rome, Trinity appears as JUPITER, JUNO, and MINERVA.
14----In Egyptian civilization the same triad appears as OSIRIS, ISIS, and HORUS.
15---- There is no word TRINITY in the 66 books of the Holy Bible, even though the essence is there at one place in Mathew. The Bible teaches that THE FATHER IS GOD, THE SON IS GOD, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD. Yet there is only ONE GOD, NOT THREE SEPARATEGODS. Apart from that many place Christ as the mediator between men and God.
History, Tradition and Culture are part and parcel of all religions. If one study world history, then that person will clearly understand how each belief originated.... All religions state their scripture is either written by God or God-inspired. Fact of the matter is all religious scriptures of all religions are written by men.
The person who was dead‑against RAISING JESUS CHRIST equal to Father, was ARIUS, a bishop from Alexandria. During 320 A.D.
He fought a fierce theological battle. Arius thought it was blasphemous to think Christ is divine in nature. Arius said the mere fact, Christ called God as FATHER, makes Christ second to God and not equal to God.
The controversy became very heated and finally emperor Constantine called Nicean Council to settle Arius controversy on Christ. It was in the Nicean Council [May 20, 325] that finally CHRIST WAS RAISED TO THE 2ND PERSON OF TRINITY. It was at the same Council, HOLY GHOST [HOLY SPIRIT] came into prominence. Arius and his teachings became an anathema and he was banished from the church.
I feel, if Jesus Christ is considered to be an avatar or incarnation of God, then the whole concept of TRINITY is easily to explain. Trying to provide Christ a personality some what different from God and at the same time trying to state that Christ and God are one, makes the whole concept of Godhead somewhat confusing.
Let us see the question about homosexuality… In Hindu scriptures, that subject is not dealt with. There are Pujas which are done by Napumsakams in Hinduism.. where as Holy Bible condemn homosexuality.
Why does Holy Bible condemn homosexuality? Answer is crystal clear.
When 12 tribes of Jews settled in the land of Cannon, many Jewish men were killed in wars and the last thing they wanted to see ‘men making love’ to men…
Jewish society consisting of 12 tribes had shortage of children.. They could not survive with a small population, when they attacked by enemies from all quarters....They had acute MEN SHORTAGE and as such they cannot afford to permit homosexuality.
Rampant homosexuality is the ONE & ONLY reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah…Just see what happened to LOTT and his two daughters after God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.. They left and there was no man to IMPREGNATE both daughters of Lott. …So what did they do? They intoxicated their father and made love to him so that they can have children… LOTT's daughters were forced to commit incest only becasue there was no man arround to have children....
My aim is not to condemn or condone homosexuality. The Point I am making is so many things we see scriptures came out of tradition, culture and common sense and NOT exactly God ordained.
Viswanathanji, Your book is fantastic. It answered a lot of questions for me. Now I have a question. In your book I read Hindus worship only one God, then why do we have so many gods even today?
First of all, Hindus do not worship many gods… Hindus worship ONE & ONLY God Brahman which expresses itself in trillions of forms.
You may ask, Why then are we worshipping many gods? Why can’t we worship Brahman alone?
I have to describe the whole GOD CONCEPT in detail. Then you will know exactly, WHY HINDU SCRIPTURES ALLOW WORSHIP OF GOD IN MANY FORMS AND NAMES.
No word or symbol can express, define or describe Brahman [God ]; Reality of Brahman [God ]is too immense. No image can encompass the immensity of Brahman [God] .
Brahman does not have any name or form [nama-roopa]. Brahman is indefinable. Brahman is described as SAGUNA BRAHMAN [ God with attributes] as well as NIRGUNA BRAHMAN [God with out any attributes.] in Vedas. In Upanishads, Brahman is described as NETI-NETI [not this and not that ].
Human mind cannot conceive God which has no form. So man is allowed to worship God with a name and a form. That is the reason why Hindu scriptures allow worshiping one God under many forms and many forms.
In beginning stages, a devotee start worshiping God with a name and form and finally devotee ends up with a God which is indescribable. Devotee even realize that he is part and parcel of God. That is the secret of Bhakti Yoga.
When we worship Ganesh or Siva or Dhurga or Krishna we are actually worshiping One and only God Brahman. Lord Krishna reiterated this point in Bhagavad-Gita Gita by saying:
“ Call me by what ever name you like;
Worship me in any form you like;
All that worship goes to one and only supreme reality.”
Hindus worship one & only God Brahman in triliions of forms like Christians worship One and only God Jehovah is three persons, the God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost.
Next time when some one questions you, “Why are you worshiping many gods?” ask him or her a rhetorical question “Why are you worshiping one god in three persons, even though there is no mention of the word TRINITY in the 66 books of the Holy Bible?
They will give you thousand reasons why it is OK to worship Holy Trinity even though TRNITARIAN WORSHIP only started in 3rdth century as per Catholic Encyclopedia as well as by Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia admits “The Doctrine of Trinity is not taught in the Old Testament. The revelation of the Triune God was made in the New Testament….. Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia states “ TRINITY was not established until 363 A.D.”
There is a verse in the Vedas which reads:
"Prajapati vai idam agre aseet"
(In the beginning was Prajapati, the Brahman):
"Tasya vag dvitiya aseet"
(Withwhom was the Word)
: "Vag vai paramam Brahman"
(And the Word was verily the Supreme Brahman).
This Hindu concept about WORD is repeated in the fourth Gospel of the New Testament we read it repeated;
"In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.".
Except Jews who keep Torah [ First five books of Old Testament ] alone at the alter, all others worship God with a name and form. Catholics even worship Holy Mary and patron saints even though Holy Bible has NOT given any importance to Mary, except the fact that she gave birth to Jesus Christ.
I have asked many hindu's why they don't eat beef. They simply tell me that because the animal give so much of itself to the world that it would not be appropriate to kill it. Another school of thought has it that the cow is like your mother and since people these days do not kill their own mother it will not be appropriate to kill the cow.
This all seems fine if I was in kindergarden.However, when I shared this with other people they told me for the first arguement since the cow gives a lot of itself then it gives its meat as well and hence it is okay to eat beef.For the second arguement they find it absurd relating an animal to a human being.
A more credibal arguement I have received was that if people around the world stopped eating beef than the world would be rid of starvation.
Some others have also said that Hinduism says no meat altogether but because it was not all possible they just decided to ban Beef.
I am still seaching for a reasoning that will convince me beyond a reasonable doubt...and would love to hear your interpretation.
One of the most complicated parts of Hinduism is COW and worship of Cow. After researching through a lot of scriptures, I have come to the following conclusion.
1. Cow was the first domesticated animal by the nomad tribes who settled on the banks of rivers in India.
2. Initially the nomad tribes used to consume meat of all kind of animals including beef.
3. Later they gave up, since there were other things to eat.
4. Since cow gave so many things to human beings they elevated cow to a holy state.
Remember people during Rig Vedic times used to worship 33 gods apart from the cow. 28th Hymn and 169th hymn of the 10th chapter of the Rig Veda is addressed to Cow.
Slaughter and consumption of other animals is seen in many parts of Hindu scriptures … l Hinduism became 100% vegetarian due to the influence of Buddhism and Jainism.
The Code of Manu, Chapter 5 verse 27 states “ One may eat meat when it has been sprinkled with water, while Mantras were recited, when Brahmanas desire (one’s doing it), when one is engaged (in the performance of a rite) according to the law, and when one’s life is in danger.”
The Code of Manu, Chapter 5 verse 31 states ‘The consumption of meat (is befitting) for sacrifices,’ that is declared to be a rule made by the gods; but to persist (in using it) on other (occasions) is said to be a proceeding worthy of Rakshasas.
The Code of Manu, Chapter 5 verse 32 states He who eats meat, when he honors the gods and manes, commits no sin, whether he has bought it, or himself has killed (the animal), or has received it as a present from others.
The Code of Manu Chapter 5 verse 36 states “ A Brahmana must never eat (the flesh of animals unhallowed by Mantras; but, obedient to the primeval law, he may eat it, consecrated with Vedic texts.”
There is book “The Myth of the holy cow” in which author Mr. D. N. Jha states Hindus used to consume beef. Many Hindu theologians state Dr. Jha’s book is based on misinterpretation of the Vedas…I have not read his book and as such I cannot make any comments on that.
My only request to Hindus, Please do not make a big issue about COW.
Everything we do is for spiritual maturity. We should not give undue importance to anything. Religions are mere aids, they are not the final goal.
Spiritual maturity is our goal. Ultimate goal of every one is SELF-REALIZATION.
Self Realization is the process of realizing that one is the immortal soul [Atman] within the body and NOT the perishable material body.
What is our problem? We always think we are the perishable body. Why we think like that? Due to Maya or illusion.